Things to Consider

What to consider when choosing a web hosting company
  1. Security
  2. Monthly Cost and what you will get for it
  3. Location where your data will reside
  4. Security (Yes, I know this was mentioned before, but it is paramount)
  5. Access to people in the company in case you incur a problem
  6. Do they make you email them for communication or can you call them?
  7. How quickly will they respond (unfortunately you will not know this until you have tried them).
  8. Are you locked in a contract with a strict escape clause?
What to consider when choosing a web design company
    1. Have they spelled out exactly what they will do for you in a quote?
    2. Have they asked you enough questions to understand your business dynamics?
    3. Can you reach them when you need to ask questions?
    4. Will they complete all that you need?    Note: Some companies will perform up to a point, but changes cost extra! This should be spelled out in the quote.
    5. Do they handle Search Engine Optimization or is that your problem?
    6. Will they work with you and train you to use your website?
    7. Do they have a variety of programs available to you regarding the maintenance of  your site?
      Will Your New Website Catch a Customer’s Attention or is it a ‘Pretty Blank’ ?
      If you have an existing website, how does it look? Do your customers find you on different searches? Branding, SEO, and consistent presentation all play an important role.
      Another item that is very often at the top of the list is cost; the range for website development goes from zero to many thousands of dollars. Often, the costs grow as the work progresses with unscheduled ad ons.
      On the other side of the spectrum; there are companies out there that will design a new site for you for free….but the monthly charges are very high. They make their money using templates and stock photos – over and over and over in websites within the same category. Once they have a base template for the category, they merely drop your company particulars in the appropriate space. It takes very little time to do – thus the price. They make their money on the monthly hosting fees, which tend to be exorbitant.
      One factor that matters to many people is it a USA-based company and are you able to understand them?